- Daycare operates from 8am to 8pm with different time slots.
- A home away from home atmosphere to facilitate learning
- Intake of 12 months to 12 years
- Closed only on National Holidays
- Provide 12 hours of service and care for children which includes study, sleep, play and homework support.
- Snacks & Milk offered with healthy eating principles adhered to
- Comprehensive After School care with planned schedule
- Different activities and curriculum for each age group
- Helping hand in home work
- 11 Activity corners, each one's learning outcomes and integrations with curriculum for both Preschool & Daycare!!!
- Hygiene and safety given prime importance
- FREE CCTV access to parents to watch from home or office!
- Parent feedback actively sought & implemented.
- Our facilities are on par with the best in the world with a large emphasis on the growth and safety of each child.
- Above all, reasonable fee structures to ensure parents get value-for-money.