Easy-to-Do Physical Development Activities for Toddlers

Easy-to-Do Physical Development Activities for Toddlers

Promoting physical activities in children is essential for their long-term health and well-being. While helping a child enhance their gross and fine motor skills, physical development activities for toddlers promote their cognitive and social skills, such as thinking, problem-solving, interacting, exploring, understanding, etc. Also, children who are active in their early childhood usually develop healthier lifestyles with optimal physical and...Continue reading

How to Choose the Best Children Care Center Post-Pandemic?

How to Choose the Best Children Care Center Post-Pandemic?

We live in very uncertain times, with the pandemic having wiped out two years of our children's schooling. And now, with things slowly returning to normal and a slew of childcare centers springing up all over the country, how can we choose the best childcare center for our kids? Is there ever such a thing as an ideal daycare center?

To make things a little simpler for you, we have created a brief checklist.

We live in...Continue reading

The 7Cs of Learning for Children

The 7Cs of Learning for Children

This pandemic has dealt a serious blow to the studies of kids all across the world. According to a survey, in 188 nations, schools are closed for 91 percent of kids. Approximately 1.6 billion kids cannot attend school in person. Due to school closures, more than one billion youngsters are in danger of...Continue reading

Ways to Ingrain 'Love of Learning' in Children

Ways to Ingrain 'Love of Learning' in Children

It is vital to instill a love of learning in kids. Teaching your child to appreciate studying will make many aspects of their life simpler, including school, self-improvement, relationships, and others.

However, this innate passion for learning is sometimes lost along the road. Many kids detest school and the thought of learning new things. With children confined to a little screen at home, Continue reading

Ways with Which Companies Can Support Working Parents During Pandemic

Ways with Which Companies Can Support Working Parents During Pandemic

Employees are still crying out for more support during COVID-19. Amongst them, working parents are having the hardest time, both in the workplace and at home. BIC Cello's India survey of 400+ parents in Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, and Kolkata with children aged between 4 to 20 years found that 80% of working parents spend more time with their kids at home makes it difficult to balance their work and personal life. ...Continue reading

6 Easy Activities You Can Do at Home with Your Children to Develop Their Language

6 Easy Activities You Can Do at Home with Your Children to Develop Their Language

The early years of your children are filled with wonder and awe and should never be underestimated. This is when children build their foundation where they learn how to express and discover themselves. Reading and language development plays a huge role in their eventual success. Most children learn to listen, speak, read and write from infancy to 6 years of age. Children who can read and write by the time they are six years old are expected to...Continue reading

6 Common Challenges Faced by Working Parents

6 Common Challenges Faced by Working Parents

Being a working parent is not an easy task as balancing your career and kids is not something a faint-hearted person can do. Especially in this pandemic situation, there are many parenting challenges that parents find difficult to cope with while they are returning to work. Parents are struggling to handle their children's stress and anxiety and maintain...Continue reading

Sunshine Ties Up with ClassPlus and Kriyo to Leverage EdTech and SaaS

Sunshine Ties Up with ClassPlus and Kriyo to Leverage EdTech and SaaS

Sunshine Preschool and Corporate Creche, India's Pioneer since 2005 with a globally acclaimed teaching methodology and curriculum designed by UK Joint Venture partners, has now partnered with the immensely popular ClassPlus App to deliver its sessions backed with the physical guidance of local teachers. While also tying up with Kriyo School Management App for seamless collaboration between parents & educators, and award-winning Continue reading

How to Motivate Your Child During Distance Learning?

How to Motivate Your Child During Distance Learning?

During this tough time, when the whole world is fighting the pandemic, distance education is the only way for your children to learn. Some children indeed find it hard to participate in distance learning programs due to various reasons. However, with proper motivation, exceptionally from their parents, they can feel more confident about distance learning.

During this tough...Continue reading

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