Finding the ideal balance between work and family can be challenging for any working parent. These issues are made worse by the pandemic, and India is currently home to many overburdened and stressed-out parents who find it very hard to provide proper childcare. ...Continue reading →
There is no doubt that the pandemic has brought an enormous change in the way you work and how your child attends their playschool. In India, where most offices ask their employees to return to work, childcare poses a significant challenge for the parents. As an employer, how can you help your return-to-work employees to deal with this?
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Craving for spicy Indian food? Can't resist watching classic Indian movies? Can't stop yourself from cheering India at the biggest sporting events? Still, focused on what's happening in Indian politics? Then you've to accept that all these signs are longing you to connect with your motherland again.
Being Indian, we can never forget our core cultural values - our love for food, our way of celebrating festivals, our...Continue reading →
Rhyming words are referred to as words that start with different sounds but end with a similar sound. Most certainly, not all rhyming words for preschoolers end with the exact spellings. Preschoolers should be taught to listen to the word sound to determine if they finish in the same way and rhyme. For instance, some rhyming words for fall are call, tall, small, crawl, etc.
The rhyme arrangements between a song or poetry lines are...Continue reading →
Do you have a toddler at home who is always actively seeking things to do? If yes, this article is meant for you. You can double up your toddler's room as a learning place for them and grow their interest in learning new things today and always.
Preschoolers are naturally very active and creative. They are always seeking out new things to try. So the décor of their room should ideally be such that it portrays their...Continue reading →
Sunshine Preschool & Corporate Creche participated in the 8th National Facilities Managers Summit 2022 organized by Telangana Facility Management Council. This event was held after a long gap of two years post-pandemic and was planned in the backdrop of the debate on the future of the work of IT employees. i.e., Future of work, as in 'will it be work from the home, office, or hybrid?' And how the Continue reading →
Preschool online summer camp is important as it's an opportunity for kids to learn new things. Still, it also enables the children to be independent and grow without or at least with minimal parents' guidance. It helps them explore, make friends and acquire skills at a very young age allowing them to become confident. ...Continue reading →
Learning is a never-ending process. There are so many beautiful things to learn about the world, with its limitless potential and countless developments in every field of knowledge, that your child will likely become a lifelong student. However, to be successful lifelong learners, children must have the drive to study on their own and create goals to stay motivated. Developing lifelong learning for children requires a comprehensive...Continue reading →
Promoting physical activities in children is essential for their long-term health and well-being. While helping a child enhance their gross and fine motor skills, physical development activities for toddlers promote their cognitive and social skills, such as thinking, problem-solving, interacting, exploring, understanding, etc. Also, children who are active in their early childhood usually develop healthier lifestyles with optimal physical and...Continue reading →
We live in very uncertain times, with the pandemic having wiped out two years of our children's schooling. And now, with things slowly returning to normal and a slew of childcare centers springing up all over the country, how can we choose the best childcare center for our kids? Is there ever such a thing as an ideal daycare center?
To make things a little simpler for you, we have created a brief checklist.
We live in...Continue reading →